april, 2020
20:00, tue
Conductor and soloist - Federico Mondelci
Alexander Malich - presenter
Aznavour: Songs (for saxophone and orchestra)
Cancelled concert
april, 2020
19:00, tue
Irina Sharapova - presenter
Ostrovsky, Bogoslovsky, Blanter, Mokrousov, Novikov, Alexandrov, Dunaevsky, Solovyov-Sedoy, Khrennikov; Gavrilin: "Military letters", vocal-symphonic poem for soloists, children's and mixed choirs and symphony orchestra; Slonimsky:
Cancelled concert
april, 2020
20:00, wed
Singolo Orchestra
Conductor - Anton Gakkel; Polina Osetinskaya - piano; Sergey Dogadin - violin; Dmitry Ganenko - cello
Brahms: Double Concerto for violin and cello; Beethoven: Concerto for Piano, Violin and Cello; Haydn: Symphony No.45 "Farewell"
Organizers: Producer A.Gakkel
Cancelled concert
april, 2020
19:00, wed
Concert was rescheduled to
april, 2020
20:00, thu
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
20:00, sat
Conductor - Felix Korobov
J. Strauss II: Die Fledermaus, Overture, Emperor Waltz ("Kaiser-Walzer"), , On The Beautiful Blue Danube, "Roses From The South", "Voices of Spring" Waltz, "Train of Pleasures", fast polka, Polka "Olga", Polka "Unter Donner und Blitz", Bandits' Galop, The Persian March; Strauss: Jockey Polka; Strauss: , «In flight», polka; J. Strauss I: Radetzky March
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
18:00, mon
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
19:00, mon
Stravinsky Quartet
Viktor Lisniak (violin)
Tchaikovsky: String Quartet No. 3, Children's Album
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
19:00, tue
Conductor - Vladimir Altschuler; Tatiana Starkova - soprano
Glière: "Hymn to the Great City" from "The Bronze Horseman"; Radvilovich: ; Slonimsky: Symphony No. 34; Uspensky: ; : ; Basner:
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
19:00, tue
Schumann: ; Chopin: Fantasie in f moll; Liszt:
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
20:00, wed
Mikhailovsky Theatre Orchestra
Mikhailovsky Theatre Choir
Conductor - Alexander Vedernikov
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
19:00, wed
Denis Gonchar - viola ; Stanislav Soloviev - piano
Glinka: Sonata for Viola and Piano (unfinished); Prokofiev: Five Pieces from ballet "Romeo and Juliet"; Rachmaninoff: Sonata for cello and piano in G minor
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
20:00, fri
Children's choir of TV and radio of St.Petersburg
Stanislav Gribkov (artistic director)
Conductor - Sergey Vovk; Vladimir Samsonov - baritone; Evgeny Akimov - tenor; Irina Mataeva - soprano
Yuri Batlachev - presenter
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
20:00, sun
Concert was rescheduled to
may, 2020
19:00, sun
St.Petersburg Conservatory Chamber Orchestra
Artistic director and conductor - Arkady Steinlucht; Vera Chekanova - soprano
Britten: Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge, 'Les Illuminations'' for high voice and strings; Purcell: "The Fairy Queen"
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
19:00, mon
Choir of the St. Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory
Conductor - Igor Matyukhov; Conductor - Sergey Ekimov; Eduard Khil Jr. - baritone; Anatoli Kalvarsky - piano; Victor Pleshak - piano; Jackov Dubravin - piano
Dubravin, Bogoslovsky, Kalvarsky, Pleshak, Tariverdiev, Petrov, Gavrilin; Okudzhava-Kopytko: "Arbat Songs", Suite for Choir, Soloists and Orchestra
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
19:00, tue
The Rimsky-Korsakov Central Navy Band of Russia
Conductor - Alexei Karabanov
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
19:00, tue
Prokofiev: Sonata No 7; Ravel: "Gaspard de la nuit", La valse; Prokofiev-Ancelle: Suite for two Pianos from "Romeo and Juliette"
Cancelled concert
may, 2020
20:00, wed
Sibelius: "Finland", symphonic poem; Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No 1; Tchaikovsky: Symphony No 6 "Pathétique"
Cancelled concert
Grand Hall:
191186, St. Petersburg, Mikhailovskaya st., 2
+7 (812) 240-01-80, +7 (812) 240-01-00
Small Hall:
191011, St. Petersburg, Nevsky av., 30
+7 (812) 240-01-70
Write us:
Box office opening hours: 11 am to 8 pm (on concerts days to 8.30 pm)
Lunch Break: 3 pm to 4 pm
Box office opening hours: from 11 am to 7 pm (on concerts days to 7.30 pm)
Lunch Break: 3 pm to 4 pm
© 2000—2024
«Saint-Petersburg Philharmonia»