september, 2024
20:00, tue
MusicAeterna Chior
Vitaly Polonsky (ãëàâíûé õîðìåéñòåð)
Choral Music Theatre of the Saratov Philharmonic
Ludmila Litsova (õóäîæåñòâåííûé ðóêîâîäèòåëü è ãëàâíûé äèðèæåð)
Elena Melnikova (õîðìåéñòåð)
Alexander Balashov (õîðìåéñòåð)
Schnittke: Choir Concerto, text by Grigor Narekatsi
Sold out
4000 RUB
september, 2024
19:00, tue
Wind Quintet of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia
Nikolai Popov (ôëåéòà)
Sergei Lysenko (ãîáîé)
Sergey Petrov (êëàðíåò)
Andrey Rudometkin (ôàãîò)
Alexey Raev (âàëòîðíà)
Tchaikovsky: Introduction to the ballet "The Nutcracker"; Mozart: Divertimento in B flat major, KV 270, Donna Elvira's aria from the opera "Don Giovanni", ; Tchaikovsky – Lysenko: Fantasy on Themes from the Opera “The Queen of Spades”; Kovac: Dedication to J. Strauss; Klughardt: Wind Quintet in C major, op. 79
Organizers: Fund for Supporting the Development of Cultural Projects "Arts Bridge"
400 — 800 RUB
september, 2024
20:00, wed
Andreyev State Russian Orchestra
Conductor - Dmitry Khokhlov
Theodorakis, Andreev, Glazunov, Rossini, Sibelius, Lyadov, Brahms, Ravel
Organizers: Andreyev State Russian Orchestra
300 — 800 RUB
september, 2024
19:00, wed
Anna Sheludko - piano; Evgeny Izotov - piano
Organizers: Foundation for Support and Development of the Philharmonic Society of St. Petersburg
400 — 700 RUB
september, 2024
19:00, thu
Conductor - Maxim Alexeev; Angel Wang - piano
Mozart: Overture to the opera "La finta semplice", Piano Concerto No 20; Beethoven: Symphony No.7
Organizers: "Tchaikovsky" Musical Culture Center
900 — 1200 RUB
september, 2024
19:00, fri
Conductor - Fedor Lednev ; Conductor - Nikolay Shugaev; Irina Sopova - àëüò
Organizers: Fund of composer Andrey Petrov
100 — 200 RUB
september, 2024
20:00, sat
Concert was rescheduled to
september, 2024
19:00, sat
St.Petersburg Conservatory Chamber Orchestra
Conductor - Arkady Steinlucht; Petr Gogitidze - double bass
Competition works, nomination "Shore of Hope"; Alizade: "Metamorphosis" (Shyshtar); A. Petrov: "A New Violinist in the Orchestra", "I Walk Down Broadway" for double bass with chamber orchestra, "Merry Pursuit", "Ave Eva" from the ballet "Creation of the World" (version for chamber orchestra by G. Korchmar)
Organizers: Fund of composer Andrey Petrov
100 — 200 RUB
september, 2024
19:00, sun
Season Opening of the Small hall
State Russian concert orchestra
Vladimir Popov (õóäîæåñòâåííûé ðóêîâîäèòåëü, äèðèæåð)
Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky; Old Russian romances; Neapolitan songs
3000 — 3500 RUB
1500 RUB
september, 2024
19:00, tue
Optina Pustyn Male Choir
Alexander Semyonov (artistic director)
Gregorian, Byzantine, Serbian and Georgian chants of the 5th–16th centuries; Chants of the Western European Renaissance; Chants of Old Russian polyphony
Sold out
1000 RUB
september, 2024
20:00, wed
600 — 1800 RUB
september, 2024
19:00, wed
Divertissement Chamber Orchestra
Artistic director - Ilya Ioff; Vera Chekanova - soprano; Petr Migunov - bass
600 — 700 RUB
september, 2024
18:00, wed
Mikhail Aleinikov - lecturer
Sold out
september, 2024
19:00, thu
"Acoustic Pink Quartet"
Ildar Kazakhanov (ãèòàðà)
Dmitry Tikhonov (ôîðòåïèàíî)
Vladimir Kozlov (êîíòðàáàñ)
Alexey Shikhov (óäàðíûå)
400 — 1200 RUB
september, 2024
18:00, thu
Sold out
september, 2024
20:00, fri
Conductor - Dmitri Jurowski
Tchaikovsky: Excerpts from the "Sleeping Beauty"; Sviridov: Musical illustrations to Alexander Pushkin‘s “Snowstorm”
700 — 2500 RUB
september, 2024
19:00, fri
Chamber orchestra "Triumph"
Conductor - Igor Manasherov; Olga Alekseeva - gusli
Gorodovskaya: Skaz; Tchaikovsky: Serenade for string orchestra (final), "Trepak" from the ballet "The Nutcracker"; Shakhanov: Celtic dances, Ballad; Brahms: Hungarian dance; Malyarov: Fantasy on a Jewish theme; Alekseeva: "A little prince"
Organizers: Chamber orchestra "Triumph"
500 — 1500 RUB
september, 2024
20:00, sat
600 — 1500 RUB
september, 2024
19:00, sat
J.-S. Bach: Chaconne; Beethoven: "Kreutzer" Sonata for Violin and Piano; Schubert: Concert Duet for Violin and Piano, "Rondo brilliant" for violin and piano b moll
600 — 800 RUB
september, 2024
20:00, sun
10000 — 20000 RUB
Grand Hall:
191186, St. Petersburg, Mikhailovskaya st., 2
+7 (812) 240-01-80, +7 (812) 240-01-00
Small Hall:
191011, St. Petersburg, Nevsky av., 30
+7 (812) 240-01-70
Write us:
Box office opening hours: 11 am to 8 pm (on concerts days to 8.30 pm)
Lunch Break: 3 pm to 4 pm
Box office opening hours: from 11 am to 7 pm (on concerts days to 7.30 pm)
Lunch Break: 3 pm to 4 pm
© 2000—2024
«Saint-Petersburg Philharmonia»