What's on

February, 2023
8:00 pm, Wed
Poetry evening
Svetlana Kryuchkova
Alexander Krychkov - guitar
Tsvetaeva: Lyrics
February, 2023
7:00 pm, Wed
Artists of St.Petersburg Symphony Orchestra
Percussion Ensemble of St.Petersburg Symphony Orchestra
Timur Fyodorov (percussion)
Alexander Smirnov (marimba)
Ivan Chernobaev (bells)
Pavel Chizhik (percussion)
Nikolai Ryzhov
Anton Regonen (xylophone)
Petr Gogitidze (bas-guitar)
Nikolai Mazhara - piano; Viktoriia Velkova - violin; Mariia Avvakumova - flute; Anastasia Kostenko - piano; Ekaterina Semion - harp; Olga Iarkina - harp; Nataliia Stetckaia - violin; Anastasiya Razumets - violin; Arsenii Kopnev - violin; Sergey Stolpovskikh - violin; Igor Bereznev - viola; Elena Gurkina - cello; Nataliia Zelikova - cello; Enver Makhauri - double bass; Ivan Myasnikov - double bass; Sergei Zarubin - viola; Renat Rakov - clarinet; Alexandra Meshcheryakova - piano; Elena Matyshina - violin; Ilja Jelagin - viola; Roman Kiselev - cello; Dmitry Blagov - trumpet; Dmitrii Bondarevskii - trumpet; Vyacheslav Nikolaev - corni; Severian Bogdanov - trombone; Vyacheslav Sukhov - tuba
Liszt: Mephisto Waltz; Ibert; Ravel: "Le tombeau de Couperin", Suite; Holst: St. Paul's Suite; Hindemith : "Musikalisches Blumengartlein und Leyptziger Allerley"; Tchaikovsky: "Souvenir de Florence"; Bernstein: "West Side Story"; "Percussion Classic": Medley
February, 2023
8:00 pm, Thur
Evening of symphonic miniatures
Conductor – Alexey Nyaga
Rossini: Overture from "L'italiana in Algeri"; Boccherini: Minuet; Beethoven: Turkish March from Die Ruinen von Athen; Bizet: , Farandole from "Arlezianka"; Sibelius: Valse Triste; Dvořák: Slavonic Dance; Berlioz: "Rákóczi March" from "La damnation de Faust"; Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No 1; J. Strauss II: On The Beautiful Blue Danube, Pizzicato Polka; Brahms: Two Hungarian Dances; Suppé: Overture to "Leichte Kavallerie" ("Light Cavalry")
February, 2023
3:00 pm, Thur
Festive concert
Ekaterina Nagornaya (violin)
Natalia Reshetnikova (violin)
Tatiana Komissarova (viola)
Lyudmila Gutsevich (cello)
Pavel Reshetnikov - clarinet
Vivaldi: "Spring" and "Summer" from "The Seasons"; Weber: Quintet for clarinet and strings; Vivaldi: "Autum" and "Winter" from "The Seasons"; Smetana: String Quartet No. 1
Organizers: "Pushkin-quartet"
February, 2023
7:00 pm, Thur
Festive concert
"Klassika" St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra
Conductor - Alexander Kantorov
Glinka: Overture from Ruslan and Ludmila; Mussorgsky: Sunrise on the Moscow River; Borodin: Polovtsian Dances; Tchaikovsky: "The Year 1812", festival overture
Organizers: "Klassika" St. Peterburg State Symphony Orchestra
February, 2023
8:00 pm, Fri
Tchaikovsky. "The storm"
"Romeo and Juliet"
Conductor - Anatoly Rybalko
Nikolai Mazhara - piano
Debussy: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, the prelude to the Mallarmé`s eclogue; Ravel: Piano Concerto; Tchaikovsky: "The Storm", Symphonic Fantasy, Romeo and Juliet, Overture-Fantasia
February, 2023
3:00 pm, Fri
"Percussion classics"
"Marimba REmix orchestra"
Alexei Chizhik (vibraphone)
Pavel Chizhik (percussion)
Alexander Smirnov (marimba)
Nikolai Ryzhov
Timur Fyodorov (percussion)
Ivan Chernobaev (bells)
Anton Regonen (xylophone)
Petr Gogitidze (bas-guitar)
Irina Chizhik - presenter
Bizet: Overture to "Carmen", Entr`acte Act IV from "Carmen"; J.-S. Bach: Aria from Suite No 3, "Joke" from Suite for Flute and String Orchestra; Mozart: Rondo alla turca; Grieg: "In the Hall of the Mountain King"; Rimsky-Korsakov: Song of the Indian guest from the opera "Sadko"; Ravel: Boléro; J. Strauss II: The Persian March, Polka "On the Hunt"; Strauss: Blacksmith Polka; Piazzolla: "Milonga del Angel", Libertango; Brahms: Hungarian Dance No 5; Monti: Csardas; Bechet: "Little Flower"; Joplin: "Variety Artist"; Peter: "Circus Renz"
Organizers: Marimba REmix orchestra
Cancelled concert
February, 2023
7:00 pm, Fri
"Ave tenor"
In memory of Yuri Marusin
Ilya Selivanov - tenor; Roman Shirokikh - tenor; Ivan Evchenko - tenor; Alexander Garshin - tenor; Yekaterina Shimanovich - soprano; Ivan Vasiliev - baritone; Alexandra Aksenova - soprano
Tikhon Selivanov - piano; Kirill Pavlov - piano; Nikita Arkhipov - piano; Irina Sharapova - piano, comments on the concert
February, 2023
8:00 pm, Sat
Freddy Kempf
Piano evening
J.-S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in F minor No. 12 (vol. 2); Chopin: Etude Op. 10 No. 1, Andante spianato et Grande polonaise brillante; Rachmaninoff: Etude Tableau Op. 39 No. 8; Beethoven: Sonata No 23 "Appassionata"; Tchaikovsky: Dumka; Rachmaninoff: Sonata No. 2
February, 2023
7:00 pm, Sat
Bach, Mendelssohn, Wagner, Schnittke
Ilya Ioff - artistic director and soloist; Lydia Kovalenko - violin, viola; Mikhail Blekher - piano, chembalo
J.-S. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins in D minor; Mendelssohn: Two Concert Pieces; Wagner: Prelude and Love Death from Tristan und Isolde; Schnittke: Concerto Grosso ¹ 3
February, 2023
8:00 pm, Sun
"Swan Song"
Evgenia Krivitskaya - organ; Alexei Vasiliev - cello; Pyotr Tataritsky - reciter
Schubert: "Schwanengesang"; Saint-Sa¸ns: "Swan" from "The Carnival of the Animals", ; Brahms: Allegretto from Symphony No. 3; Wagner: Prelude to the opera "Lohengrin"; Sibelius: The Swan of Tuonela, Legend for Orchestra; Rachmaninoff: Vocalise, Prelude in C sharp minor; Tchaikovsky: Prologue and Scene from the ballet "Swan Lake"; Ekimov: "Little white dying swan" for cello and organ; Piazzolla: Ave Maria; Schubert - Liszt: "Ave Maria"
The program will include texts by W.Shakespeare, J.Senn, S.Mallarme, P.Verlaine, L.Tolstoy and others
February, 2023
3:00 pm, Sun
Fairy tale in music
Skomorokhi Chamber Russian Orchestra
Artistic director - Victor Akulovich
Shostakovich: "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", Music for Cartoon
February, 2023
7:00 pm, Sun
Evgeny Izotov
Piano evening
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons; Rachmaninoff: Five preludes, Sonata No. 2
February, 2023
7:00 pm, Mon
"Voices of the Academy"
Soloists of Elena Obraztsova Musical Academia
Artistic director - Ildar Abdrazakov
Organizers: Elena Obraztsova Musical Academy
February, 2023
8:00 pm, Tue
"Pure Music"
Conductor - Fedor Lednev
Ekaterina Semion - harp; Georgii Dolgov - flute
Mozart: Overture from The Marriage of Figaro, Flute and Harp Concerto; Korolev: Verification for orchestra; Stravinsky: Firebird, suite from the ballet
February, 2023
7:00 pm, Tue
Albert Zhalilov
Vocal evening
Albert Zhalilov - baritone; Oleg Vainstein - piano
Sviridov: "Russia Cast Adrift" Cantata; Russian folk songs; Italian folk songs; Romances
Organizers: IP Golovko S.M.
Grand Hall:
191186, St. Petersburg, Mikhailovskaya st., 2
+7 (812) 240-01-80, +7 (812) 240-01-00
Small Hall:
191011, St. Petersburg, Nevsky av., 30
+7 (812) 240-01-70
Write us:
Box office opening hours: 11 am to 8 pm (on concerts days to 8.30 pm)
Lunch Break: 3 pm to 4 pm
Box office opening hours: from 11 am to 7 pm (on concerts days to 7.30 pm)
Lunch Break: 3 pm to 4 pm
© 2000—2024
«Saint-Petersburg Philharmonia»